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    Make The Shift To A More Modern Desktop

    Make The Shift To A More Modern Desktop

    Microsoft remains the leader when it comes to office productivity programs like email (Outlook), word processing (Word) and spreadsheet applications (Excel). Take these same programs you are familiar with and move them to the cloud — along with new cloud features that let you work and collaborate with colleagues on a real-time basis – and you can understand why more and more businesses are moving to Office 365 and a modern desktop.

    Why are businesses making the move to Office 365 and the cloud?

    We are living in a time of rapid technical change. Digital transformation is one of the biggest revolutions any of us has seen in our lifetime. In 2018, two-thirds of the Global 2000 CEOs had digital transformation at the heart of their corporate strategy. Digital transformation is fundamentally changing the way your company uses technology to empower employees, optimize operations, transform products and engage customers.
    Here are some of the primary factors driving this change:

    • The business landscape and customer expectations evolve daily and there is a shift away from routine tasks and hierarchical decisions to operating in a way that requires every employee to be creative, think critically and collaborate with others to address the task at hand. Empowering employee ingenuity is becoming a critical part for businesses to stay successful and relevant. 
    • For the first time in human history, we have five generations in the workforce (with millennials projected to be 50% of workforce by 2020). As a result, the workforce has become increasingly diverse, mobile, and comfortable with technology, with individuals working across multiple locations and devices throughout the workday. 
    • Teamwork has become an essential way to get work done. Organizations are more networked, needing to enable the increased flow of information to all team members. 
    • People have new expectations for how and why they work – seeking physical and digital workspaces that feel inclusive and open where they can easily share and connect and work together. 
    • Modern technology allows people, teams and companies to find and connect with the best expertise available without geographic or physical boundaries. Subject matter experts can more easily gain valuable knowledge. 
    • Social networks promote increased transparency, helping people and businesses be more agile and respond quickly to new market trends. Of course, along with that comes the increased need to stay more focused on maintaining a safe and secure environment protecting against cyber threats.

    As you can see, at its core digital transformation is all about people. People are making the technology transformation happen, not the other way around. That’s the real reason why so many businesses are moving to the cloud and a more modern desktop – to enable people do their best work.

    How Common Sense Solutions can help

    Common Sense Solutions has the cloud and Office 365 expertise you need to help you transition smoothly to this powerful productivity tool and the know-how to support your day-to-day work within the Office 365 environment.

    Talk to us about how Office 365 can fit the exact requirements of your operation. Why struggle with something bigger than you need, or suffer from trying to make a system work that won’t meet the demands of your growing business? We will give you a straightforward estimate of the costs and time involved with migration, as well as the business impact and return on investment for moving to a more modern desktop environment.

    Overview of Microsoft Office 365
    Fri, Nov 1, 2019 11-11:30am CDT